Travel Tips with Babies

 Travelling is exhausting, and when you put into the mix a baby and/or a toddler it can be a recipe for disaster. Yet travel brings us so much joy as we are able to connect, communicate and try or see new things for the first time with our loved ones. The more we travel, the more we learn, and the better we get at it. 

Travel is a mind frame - it’s something that is out of our control, so being organised to some extent and then relaxing and going with the flow and doing our best is all we can do. Babies don’t always sleep when we think they will, as they can be so excited just being on a plane! When preparing to travel, we can spend endless hours trying to foresee problems that may arise and over packing items just in case, however this can increase anxiety and cause more tension in the family unit. Thinking about the big picture can help prioritise what is important and what is not important, it will also help with time management when packing. The main goal of travel is normally for personal growth and everyone to enjoy a good time, with good health.

So the most important item are:

  • Correct passport and in date 

  • Travel documents 

  • Money

  • Carrier/pram

  • Milk and nappies for a baby

  • Water bottle and snacks for toddlers

  • Everyone has a change of clothing and if going to a cold country everyone has warmth

  • The rest is a bonus; there is always a washing machine!

The following tips will make things a lot easier when travelling on an aeroplane:


  • Black muslin/ large scarf or wrap: To pop over pram, basinet, to block out light or create shade

  • Small white noise machine as babies can get over stimulated and find it hard to settle

  • No milk/liquids over 100ml if possible as it slows you down going through bag check.  However of course if needed then you can take milk/liquid for children and babies

  • Clear Zip pouch for 3 x nappy, wipe and cream to pop in plane seat so as you don’t have to get nappy bag down each time you need to change

  • Breast pump in carry on if makes you feel more at ease

  • If travelling on your own with a baby a backpack and carrier works a treat, however if you are travelling for 10 + hrs and have multiple planes to catch your back can really start to fatigue, so look into prams at the airport or a carry on pram

  • Your pram will not be given to you until you reach your destination, some airports have airport prams, but some don't, and often the airports are super busy so none are  available at your layover. This is when a pram that you can carry on such as the yo-yo pram is worth its weight in gold! Especially when you are travelling as a solo parent

  • Medications can be handy to have in your carry on if travelling long-haul and multiple stops - Calpol, homeopathic meds and rescue remedy.


  • Activities, small toys, games -especially if they haven’t had much screen time before

  • A wrapped surprise for plane


  • Lots of zip lock bags for the plane especially, as this will help keep things together

  • Travel cot: check with your accommodation beforehand, but as there is a lot of change and new experience when travelling it's sometimes worth taking your own to help baby sleep in a more known environment - the baby Bjorn travel cot is only 6kg and takes 30 sec to put up and down

  • Toddlers love to pull and sit on things however when you have a plane to catch there can be meltdowns over pulling hand luggage (such as trunkies) especially under 3 year olds. Toddlers also love to trip everyone up with them and they are bulky.

Travel is a topic which I cover in week 8 of “The 4th trimester guide”, as I find this is normally when many mothers plan their first long car trip to a family member or friend, and even their first overnight stay. So if you love to travel, you will love all the advice I offer in “The 4th Trimester guide”.


How to support your body in pregnancy.


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