How Can I help you and your business?

Are you a new Mum starting a business, or a mum that is in over their heads with business and family? Take a look between the 3 packages below how we can best work together.

Package 1:

For 1st time mums in business:

Being a 1st time mum in business can be uber lonely if you are not surrounded by other business mums. Maternity leave may not feel like leave depending on where your business is before the baby arrives. I have created the 4th trimester course for mums whose minds are maybe not yet in “baby mode” but want to know that they have everything covered in order to create good health and development in those early days. It will create more headspace for you, so you can worry less about “are you doing things right or is there something wrong”. 

Package 2:

In need of a helping hand strategy and alignment call:

This is for the mum that is in over their heads with business and family. They feel out of control, unheard and are lacking confidence in making a decision in business. It is easier to be on the treadmill than to face the fear of change. 

Let me hold your hand through the process, to find a solution that aligns with your vision of both business, staff and family health and wealth. 


    • 60 min call PLUS 1 month of Q&A with Emma to work out the best solution for your family and your business. 

    • Identify your business blocks and how to create space for creativity 

    • Identify your clients journey and how to become attractive for clients and staff. 

    • Understand your staff and reduce frustrations as a business owner

    • Identify energy leaks in your business and family juggle, which take you out of your “zone of genius”

    • Clear next steps and action points to move forwards with confidence on your path. 

Package 3

Turning your vision into reality- work one-to-one with me: 

You are a mum that is wanting to start or expand and scale your business, it may be your first time or maybe you have expanded but you are feeling every bit of that business expansion in your business and personal life.  Expanding the business now doesn't seem as rosy as it has come at a huge cost to your family life. I’ll help you align with your business goals and the bigger vision for what is possible for you in business and as a mother. 

    • 60 min initial call to nut out where you are now, where you want to be, what blocks are coming up for you and how you are going to grow and expand into that vision you hold.

    • 2 x 60min calls a month for a duration of 6 months

    • Bespoke and helpful google docs and handout to guide you on your journey to becoming the mum in business you all wished for.


    • This is a massive question, but if you have a vision it is definitely worth exploring!! If you are stuck with where to start, just start somewhere. Business is messy! Your customer shouldn’t feel the mess, but as a business owner there will be mess and thats ok.

    • This is very individual, expanding doesn’t always mean you are successful. It depends on what success means to you. Increasing turnover and having less time with family may not lead to feeling better about your business.

    • Many small businesses are scared to employ someone, or think it's all or nothing. There are many creative approaches that can help to problem solve staffing issues

  • Understanding about personalities and what comes naturally to your staff member is a good place to start.

    • Being attractive as a business to employees, taking your time during the hiring process, and understanding what is your ideal staff member to hire.

    • Outsourcing what takes you out of your “zone of genius” is a great place to start. This will free up time for self-care and family.

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