4th Trimester Guide

My aim is to save you time and worry by giving you expert and real-life tested week-by-week practical tools, tips and advice to give you and your baby the best possible health and wellbeing.

This guide is perfect for you if:

  • You love all things health and are keen to know how the physical, chemical and emotional environment can affect the health of both mum and bub.

  • You are going into or within your 4th Trimester and are looking for real practical guidance.

  • You are worried that you might struggle with the concept of being a “mother”, or maybe already having these feelings while pregnant.

  • You have never really been into the band-aid approach to health, you like to understand the root cause and be pro-active.

Put you and bub first, register today :)

One time

The 4th Trimester Guide is perfect to purchase for those who are pregnant in preparation for this key time after birth. You can then start to look through the material if you wish, however it is designed to work through month by month during your 4th trimester. Each month the guide will take you through the most common (but not spoken about) concerns that arise, these can be emotional, physical, developmental and hormonal.

Your 4th Trimester journey….

What’s Included : Month By Month

~ Month 1- Resting and digesting ~

Everything is brand new, blurry and emotional, therefore in this month of the guide I hold your hand through those first new-mum experiences, so as you can soak it all in. I want you to know that you have got this, and there is no need to spend hours on Google, lean on me as your expert and coach, and enter into your chill mum mode.

Week 1

  • Guidance and support for Feeding (Breast, Bottle/expressed).

  • What to expect and tips on how to support your body in the first week after birth.

  • The importance to start tummy time.

Week 2

  • Why it is important to politely decline extra visitors.

  • What to do if baby is unsettled, and thoughts on swaddling and co-sleeping.

  • Feeding stretches for you, and connecting with your pelvic floor.

Week 3

  • What to do about feeding challenges.

  • What the research says about dummies, and bowel movements.

  • A mindset for getting out and about.

Week 4

  • Babies start to wake up to the world, understanding different cries.

  • The best tummy time positions for this age and reducing flathead syndrome.

  • What to be aware of when using baby sling/carriers.

~ Month 2- Growth & Activation ~

By month two you can’t remember life without your bub, and some of the realities hit. This stage of the guide picks you up, and ensures you don’t forget about yourself either, you will begin to see how a balance can be found along the way.

Week 5

  • How to support yourself when feeling down, and when to reach for help.

  • Why to book in with a postnatal physio after 6 wks (Mummy MOT).

  • How Chiropractic care can help your postnatal journey.

Week 6

  • Advise on cluster feeding and growth spurts.

  • How to return to exercise safely.

  • Listening to your body, when in comes to sex.

Week 7

  • Baby’s 6 week check and the importance of vitamin D supplementation.

  • Nappy Rash, and dry skin recommendations.

  • Talking about gut health and the gut-brain connection.

Week 8

  • Mind-set and tips for your first long car trip and night away.

  • How to improve tummy time now baby is 8 weeks old.

  • Finding space through meditation and breathwork.

~ Month 3: Creating lasting patterns ~

Some of the basics are in hand now, so it’s time to ensure you’re putting in place healthy, long-lasting habits that will pay off long into the future. These weekly guides will be fantastic to dip into now and also in the future.

Week 9

  • Find out your beliefs and your partners beliefs around babies sleep

  • My top tips to re assure and not to confuse your baby’s sleep.

  • Reduce back and neck pain by changing your everyday patterns

Week 10

  • How to address financial change.

  • A plan for babies first cold.

  • What is a dreamfeed? and why it could help you get the golden hours of sleep.

Week 11

  • The truth about teething, and what to do for it.

  • What toys not to buy and why?

  • Primitive reflex explained, and what to look for in babies development.

Week 12

  • When will baby sleep through the night and what is the norm.

  • What to think about when going back to work?

  • Your ongoing health journey.

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