
While every care has been taken in preparing this online course and material, Dr Emma Burniston (DC) and Northcote Health Services Ltd do not, to the extent permitted by law, accept any liability for any injury, loss or damage suffered by any person arising from the use of, or reliance upon, the content of this online course material and associated material. All Chiropractors are registered with General Chiropractic Council (GCC) in the UK. Dr Emma Burniston is a registered Doctor of Chiropractic and is required to comply with the GCC code of practice.  The information provided in this online course and on the Dr Burniston website are intended solely for the general information of the individual. The information contained is for discussion purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat health problems. It should not be a replacement for seeking professional medical care. The information given doesn’t dictate the most appropriate or best care for any given health problem, nor is it intended to substitute independent judgment from a health care professional.  Please consult your health care provider for medical advice. 

Registered Office | Northcote Health Services Limited | 20c Ordnance Row | Portsmouth | PO1 3DN. Registered in England & Wales No. 07060299 

Terms and conditions:

Use of the drburniston.com website indicates that you accept the terms and conditions written below. If you do not accept these terms and conditions please do not use this website. 

Drburniston.com is owned by Northcote Health Servies Ltd, users of the website should be aware that no regulatory agency has deemed the products or any information contained within the website effective or intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. 

When using the website, purchasing any products, online courses and subscription to the newsletter it is governed by these terms and conditions. Upon purchasing and viewing the information you have agreed to these terms and conditions. 

While Dr Emma Burniston (DC) takes great care and research into the information provided on the website, in the online course and subscription newsletters, she does not guarantee or give warranty to the accuracy and timeliness of information.

Online course:

When you purchase written, audio or video content from the website, this is intended for your own personal use. You agree to not otherwise, copy, sell, transfer, modify, reproduce, distribute or use the content for anything more without prior consent from Dr Emma Burniston. You agree not tamper with the content or create any derivative works from the original material. 

Dr Burniston reserves the right to terminate you access to any online course should you breach this term. 

"Lifetime Access" means ongoing and complete access to the online course and community for the life of the program. This is ongoing access at no additional charge until the course is no longer offered, at which time all members will be given at least 12 months notice before the program is closed. Any future closure of the program or community in the future does not affect the refund policy and does not entitle members to any form of refund.


Should you complete the first few week and decide this course is not for you Dr Burniston is happy for you to request a refund with 30 days from purchase. All refund request should be emailed to emma@drburniston.com

Emma believes in her online course and hundreds if not thousands of women have benefited from her advice and wisdom that she shares. You must show that you have participated in the course by accessing the course content. Emma may ask a question that the answer is within the first few weeks of content to show your have tried the course, and the reason for a refund request when considering your refund. A change of mind does not constitute a valid reason for request for refund. When considering your refund an administration fee maybe charged. All refunds will be made within 30 days from approval and will be made in British pounds. If you are refunded the money of the course you must delete all materials from the course that were downloaded and you will no longer have access to the online course. 

Links to website:

Throughout the website, newsletters and the online course website links are used. Although Dr Emma Burniston at the time of writing considered the link a useful and resourceful page, Emma does not accept any responsibility for the content of the external websites and links used.

Privacy policy

Your access to the website, subscription to the newsletter or online courses constitutes acceptance of our Privacy policy

Copyright policy.