“The moment you commit and quit holding back. all sorts of unforeseen incidents. meetings. and material assistance will rise up to help you. The simple act commitment is a powerful magnet for help.”

Napoleon Hill

I bought the business that I was working in as an associate Chiropractor when I was 28 years old. There was one room for a Chiropractor and one room for a massage therapist, and one full time front desk employed staff member. 40-50 appointments a week was the average and there was only 2 years left on the lease. I was not really sure what I was buying but I had a vision to create a space which was full of energy, inspiration and knowledge about how to care for our bodies and families. Fast forward 10 years and the same practice now sees 400 appointments each week, we love working with our clients and the staff that now inspire me. Business is not just a numbers game it is a spiritual game! As the business owner grows so does the business, I have always been into ways to grow as a person, a chiropractor, a business owner and since 2018 as a mother. 

Although I have had to do the work on myself and my business, I really do feel the one thing that has been a driving force behind the success of the business, is I have always had a coach from the start. It was one of my biggest expenses at the start, but it enabled me to be held accountable for doing the small things every fortnight without fail. Having a coach helped me stay committed to the vision of the business, instead of getting bogged down in the details. As a ‘recovering perfectionist’ this meant that I couldn’t procrastinate on finding perfection and I had to keep the project going forward which would better the business. 

My story.