Tummy time from birth

When should you start Tummy Time, that’s the commonly asked question. Often asked too late.

Tummy time is so important to build spinal stability and help the nervous system mature. Although tummy time is not a milestone, we can view it as a mini milestone. Through developing good tummy time it will aid milestone development.


A baby’s first tummy time milestone is doing the ‘breast walk’ after birth. This will then progress to more purposeful and sustained movements. The specific movement develops their nervous system and the neck curve, and it’s only with practice that this is achieved.


Many parents innately find it a bit odd to leave their newborn on the floor, and worry about germs or just “getting it wrong”. There’s also the factor that a newborn may find it stressful being on the floor on their own. Therefore, a good opportunity for tummy time can be given when the baby is lying chest to chest with a care giver. Skin to skin is advantageous in many ways!

A few minutes of tummy time with parents on the floor, holding a toy for them, can be given from one week old.

To develop tummy time babies need to be given regular opportunity to practice throughout the day to build strength and stability. If a baby is not given frequent practice time in the first 6-8 weeks, they will have to catch up on the lost time of gaining strength and stability. If your baby seems unhappy about tummy time, there could be a reason, which is why The Chill Mum 4th Trimester Guide supports every mum navigating through tummy time and keeps you on track.

My 3-month 4th Trimester Guide is only £49 per month, and you can cancel any time. It’s jam-packed with all the info that nobody tells you. Explore more of the content here:

4th Trimester Guide


Importance of breathwork for new mums


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