Thoughts on homebirth vs hospital

Often when you say “Homebirth” people reply with “You’re Brave” or “I couldn’t do that”. However,  are you really? And could you?  Currently only 2.4% of births in the UK are at home, and that is slightly up from previous years. So why is this? 

The statistics are certainly not the reason. In 2020, The Lancet published a review and analysis of outcomes and interventions in home birth vs hospital birth and found that for low risk women, planning a home birth is as safe for the baby, and safer for the birthing women than hospital birth. 

Intended homebirth vs hospital resulted in:

  • 55% less likely to have an episiotomy

  • 75% less maternal infection

  • >40% less likely to experience a 3rd or 4th degree tear

  • >30% less post-partum haemorrhage

Maybe it is because we feel homebirth is for “hippies” or  “Earth mothers”, which isn’t what we identify with. However, women from all professions and walks of life make the choice to birth at home. 

Or is it because we don’t know how we are going to manage the pain, and don’t think there is much help with pain relief at home? It’s clear there are ways to manage pain at home, and it can be easier as you are in the comfort of your own home so you can relax in your own surroundings. 

Pain relief can include: 

  • TENS machines

  • aromatherapy

  • hydrotherapy

  • massage 

  • hypnobirthing techniques

  • If more pain relief is needed then ‘gas and air’ can be offered at home

The other thing that I hear people are surprised about, is that you are able to have a homebirth if you had complications with your first birth or a medical condition with your pregnancy, so maybe mothers are not aware of this.  It's always best to discuss this with your midwife or consultant, however quite a few people rule a homebirth out without asking questions around the possibilities of a homebirth. 

The Netherlands has the highest rate of homebirth, around 30% deliver at home, 10% deliver in special out-patient birthing clinics, so that leaves only 60% delivery in hospital. Homebirth is definitely normalised and these statistics have been stable since 1990, according to the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment.  

I’m encouraging empowerment of decision here, the choice is yours. I would highly recommend exploring all your options and understand which one feels the right path for you. Listen to your gut, and trust your instincts, whilst knowing the pros and cons.


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