10 Affirmations for Breastfeeding

Your head is all over the place, and you are trying to learn something new. One person is saying to do it this way and the other person is saying to do it another. It can really mess with your head, so here are 10 affirmations to help you on your journey. 

Repeat them often, and even try looking into the mirror as you do. 

  1. I am doing my best

  2. I am a rock star if I breastfeed for 3 days or 3 years

  3. I can make it another 10 days

  4. I am learning everyday, the universe is bring me people to help

  5. I am not in this alone

  6. I have the ability to breastfeed my baby

  7. It’s ok if my baby wants to nurse more often

  8. Every drop counts

  9. It doesn’t matter if I pumped a little or a lot, I pumped. 

  10.  Breastfeeding is a journey I am on now with bumps, straights and roundabouts.  It is a unique experience for me. 

If you love this you will love my 4th Trimester guide, I look forward to seeing you there.

Emma x


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