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Coaching for Mum owned businesses who are ready for more
who is Dr Burniston?


Empowering Mums in Business

Hi, I’m Emma (aka Dr Burniston & Mrs Maggs). I am a Doctor of Chiropractic (not a medical Doctor) and I have owned an associate run practice since 2013. My vision was always about how the client and staff would feel in the practice, and in 2017 the practice had outgrown its current space. At this time I was undecided if I should take on more space to expand the business or if I should wait and have a baby. I decided to do both and my first Child was born at the start of 2018. 

Here is how I can help your business


Services 1:1 dr Burniston

For 1st time mums in business:

Services-turning vision into reality

Turning your vision into reality- work one-to-one with me:

Services - in need of a helping hand

In need of a helping hand strategy and alignment call:

I believe that our children are our superpower to our business. They allow us to think bigger in a way that is productive, and committed to staying in our “zone of genius”. As a mum in business, you need to be at your best for your family and for the creative process which business requires. The longer I am a mum in business the more I see the need to create space for mothers, to allow both creativity and spiritual growth. When a woman is allowed to express her creativity through her business not only are her own needs met, but the customers' needs are too. Many mums in business feel trapped “working in the business” rather than “working on the business”. I just love finding solutions to help each mother through the many challenges that being in business brings you. There is no cookie-cutter solution but having me as your coach will create more head space while increasing your turnover and creating more health and wealth for your family. 

“The moment you commit and quit holding back. all sorts of unforeseen incidents. meetings. and material assistance will rise up to help you. The simple act commitment is a powerful magnet for help.”

Napoleon Hill

I work in a way that is focused on creating good foundations and structures that work for you and your family. Freeing up headspace and creating alignment with your business, instead of doing all the things that you don’t want to be dealing with in the business and in your family life. As a coach I always suggest finding a coach that has traveled down the same path as you, and shares similar core values and alignment to family and business.  

Family, Health, wealth, fun, freedom, honesty, quality and transparency are pretty high up on my list. I would love to help you grow and expand your serviced based business to the vision and beyond you had in mind. 


    • This is a massive question, but if you have a vision it is definitely worth exploring!! If you are stuck with where to start, just start somewhere. Business is messy! Your customer shouldn’t feel the mess, but as a business owner there will be mess and thats ok.

    • This is very individual, expanding doesn’t always mean you are successful. It depends on what success means to you. Increasing turnover and having less time with family may not lead to feeling better about your business.

    • Many small businesses are scared to employ someone, or think it's all or nothing. There are many creative approaches that can help to problem solve staffing issues

  • Understanding about personalities and what comes naturally to your staff member is a good place to start.

    • Being attractive as a business to employees, taking your time during the hiring process, and understanding what is your ideal staff member to hire.

    • Outsourcing what takes you out of your “zone of genius” is a great place to start. This will free up time for self-care and family.

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Free resources for new mums

Baby's first cold

Baby’s First Cold

It can be a tricky time to navigate, so I have put together all my top tips for taking care of baby in this time.

new mums resources- exercise guidelines

Exercise Guidelines

You might feel ready to move your body again, and my guide on safe movement will help you get there.

new mums resources- tummy time

Tummy Time

This is such a special time with baby, and also instrumental in their development, learn more in my free guide.